Keyword Density mobile app
Keyword Density Calculator App for Android, iPhone, iPad

Keyword Density is an SEO App for iPad, iPhone and Android devices allowing users to calculate Key Phrase Density for any website.
Keyword / Key Phrase Density is a term used to describe the number of times that a word, or phrase, exists on a given web page, and in what percentage to total.
Use of the app is simple, the user simply enters a Web Address (URL), and up to 5 key phrases.#
Density is Calculated for the Page Body, Title, "Keywords" Meta Tag and "Description" Meta Tag.
The App will show you:
- "Title" Content, Character Length, Word Count and Percentage of Density.
- "Keywords" Meta Tag Content, Length, Word Count, Number of Phrases and Percentage of Density.
- "Description" Meta Tag Content, Length, Word Count and Percentage of Density.
- "Body" Length, Word Count and Percentage of Density.
and also...
- The HTTP Status Code returned by the web page.
- The Web Server Type, i.e. Linux/Apache or Windows/IIS.
An FAQs / Help Section is included.
# - App requires an Internet Connection to work.
Available for iOS (iPad and iPhone), and now Android Tablets and Smartphones too.
This app is no longer available to download.