Baby Night Light Stars - Android App
Baby Night Light Stars - App for the Android Devices

I designed Baby Night Light Stars as a simple sleeping aid, to help babies gently drift off to sleep.
The inspiration for making the app came from a Starfield Nightlight that has always featured as part of our baby's bedtime routine.
Simplicity is key with this application. Stars gently rotate on screen, changing colour between White, Red, Green and Blue.
For maximum effectiveness, the app will keep the LCD on.
Rejection, Mothballing and the road to Android
Following initial rejection by Apple, on the grounds of simplicity, I added in White Noise audio playback, and the ability to control the stars (Colouration and Rotation). However, Apple stood their ground, rejecting the updated app too.
The app concept lay dormant for some time, until I began to experiment with the Android platform. I soon realised that this app was an ideal app to develop to help me learn Android Programming.
Perseverance paid off, and the app is now available in Google Play Store, The Amazon Appstore for Android and Samsung Apps.
The app does not use any data, so can be used with or without and internet connection. To avoid unwanted interruptions, it is highly recommended that the device be placed into AirPlane / Flight Mode (from 'Settings'), before you begin your bedtime routine.
This app is no longer available to download.