Welcome to my Web and Mobile Developer Blog. Here you will find the latest News and Rants about mobile apps, websites and the internet.

I also, occasionally, write blog posts on non-techie stuff too!

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Last month, as expected, the new iOS software version was released. However, all was not well on iOS 9 with my Xamarin built apps. Indeed, many apps it would seem, are not compatible. Perhaps even ...
Since New Year, I have been using a Fitbit Charge Activity Tracker, after receiving it as a Christmas Gift. Following the seasonal break, and the usual indulgences that followed, I began to take my...
Yesterday I was amongst 400 Software Developers gathered in London at quite possibly most interesting, inspiring and genuinely useful Developer Event I have been to! We were gathered as invitees of...
I was an early iPhone adopter, buying an iPhone 3GS back in 2009. Within a year, I turned my attention to App Development on iPhone, and shortly afterwards the newly launched iPad. My Apps continue...
Yesterday I was at MadLab in Manchester to attend the Northwest England leg of Microsoft's //publish/ Windows event. Across 48 hours, 60 //publish/ events have taken place worldwide, to encourage p...
Last week I was in attendance as the Google Cloud Platform Roadshow visited the newly relocated Manchester TechHub. I learnt a lot about the Cloud Platform offerings from Google, got some answers t...
On Friday I was lucky enough to be one of a select bunch of European Developers to join the Nokia X - Go! Port Bus Tour, at the final stop in London! The Bus, a converted, green painted, London Rou...
I recently had reason to use Apache Cordova / PhoneGap to build a Native-Wrapped HTML5 App for use on iPad. Whilst I have worked on PhoneGap / Cordova projects in the past, I found the setup proces...
Yesterday I attended the first Samsung European Developer Day at London Film Museum, Covent Garden. The schedule was comprised of several Technical Sessions, and Commercial Sessions. Amongst the...
iOS 7 Marks the biggest change in iOS Design since the launch of the original iPhone, and offers both opportunities and headaches for App Developers. There are plenty of new UI Controls, APIs and D...

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